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Bitcoin Cash
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access_time after <17hr. 13min
- Service Fee: 3.9787%
- Pool Assignement: Stealth Pool
Percentage Distribution :
Transfer Delay :
Mixing Strength Meter :
The system has detected that your chosen service fee is less than recommended. Of course, your funds will be mixed to anonymous coins with the selected service fee. Nevertheless, we recommend selecting a higher service fee to enter a better mixing pool. This will provide you with funds that are already anonymous in origin. The system has generated a random service fee for you to make this process even more anonymous. The following service fee was randomly generated by the system for you: 2.2822% You can now choose to proceed with your preselected fee, take the new randomly generated service fee that we recommend, or use the refresh button to generate a new service fee.
I confirm that the incoming address for transfer is only valid for 24 hours. If 24 hours are over, no further payments to this address will be accepted. I also know that only the first transfer will be accepted for the mixing operation. Any additional transfer will be ignored by the system.
I confirm that the letter of guarantee needs to be downloaded and verified before a transfer of coins to I also confirm that I have read and that I agree to the Terms of Service.
BTC ( 100% ) after 17hr. 13min